Advent is the time where we prepare for Christmas, a time to look forward and anticipate the arrival of our Saviour. Yet too often, our journey towards the manger is wrought with busyness, frenzy, and packed schedules. We fill our days with crowded malls, elaborate dinners, and complicated decorations. We make our lists and check them more than twice. Is it any wonder that we arrive at Christmas morning already exhausted?

Simply Advent is a 4-week journey designed to help you carve out time for reflection and prayer. When you sign up, you will receive a weekly email containing a video reflection, a prayer, and an attachment with additional readings for the week.

That’s it. No complicated schedule to follow, no plan to enact. It’s a simple as opening one email per week.

With so much frenzied chaos in this world, we all need a time to stop and rest, to watch, to listen, and to receive the one who comes to us quietly on Christmas morning.

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